Malus trees are wonderful additions to any garden. They are extremely diverse, producing fruit, blossoms, and foliage.

You can find a range of Malus trees at Hillier Garden Centres. Explore our four favourite Malus below.


Malus ‘Evereste’

Known as the crab apple Malus ‘Evereste’, this tree is compact and small in form, featuring white flowers and red fruits. ‘Evereste’ works well in cottage gardens, creating wonderful spring and summer colour through its fruit, blossom and foliage.

Malus ‘Mokum’

Malus ‘Mokum’ displays purple-brown bark and branches and bronze-coloured leaves, providing year-round interest. In the spring, purple-pink flowers bloom, and in the autumn red-purple fruits appear, providing food for bees and birds.

Malus yunnanensis var. veitchii

The flowers open in May, and are creamy-white with subtle washes of pink within the petals. The leaves are a healthy matt green during the summer months, and have 5-7 shallow lobes with a heart-shaped base. Come autumn, the leaves become ablaze with a firework display of colour.

Malus ‘Freja’

Stunning pink flowers adorn the deciduous foliage of Malus ‘Freja’, followed by red fruits in the autumn season. With an upright habit, the Malus ‘Freja’ features dark green-red foliage, which looks fantastic in September and October.

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Malus Trees fact file

Flowering time: Spring

Fruit season: Autumn

Sun requirements: Full sun/partial shade

Hardiness: Hardy

Malus Trees Pruning Guide

The optimum time to prune Malus trees is during their inactive season to avoid damage to the tree. Pruning will vary depending on the Malus that needs it, however the removal of dead or damaged branches as well as any untidy, poorly placed branches will suffice. Be sure to base your pruning around the general shape of your Malus and do not prune hard.

Malus Trees Fact

There are around 35 different species of Malus and some of their fruits can be used either for jellies or applesauce.

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