Evergreen trees are the cornerstone of any landscape, providing all year round beauty, privacy as well as habitat for wildlife. When it comes to selecting the best evergreen trees for your garden or property it is essential to consider various factors. To help show you how to choose the best evergreen tree we will share with you their benefits, popular varieties and the key factors to consider.

Benefits of Evergreen Trees

All Year Round Beauty

Evergreen trees maintain their lush green foliage throughout the year. This means that no matter the season, your landscape will remain vibrant. In the depths of winter when trees have shed their leaves, evergreens stand tall still offering a touch of colour to your outdoor space.

Privacy and Screening

If you’re looking to create a natural barrier or screen, evergreen trees are a great choice. Their dense foliage and height can effectively block unsightly views, reduce noise and provide you with a private sanctuary.

Wildlife Habitat

Evergreen trees will also serve as vital habitats for birds and other wildlife. Many species of birds nest and roost in the branches of these trees, making them an excellent addition to your property especially if you’re a nature enthusiast.

Low Maintenance

Compared to deciduous trees that require regular leaf clean up, evergreen trees are relatively low maintenance. They don’t shed leaves in autumn which means less work for you.

Which Evergreen Tree Should I choose?

Photinia Red Robin

  • This is a shrub, but can be grown to form a ‘tree’ shape.
  • Red young leaves that mature into green glossy leaves.
  • Can be grown as hedging or stand-alone.

Magnolia Grandiflora

  • Lemon scented.
  • Gallisoniensis.
  • Erect compact habit.

Ligustrum Japonicum

  • Small tree.
  • Smooth pale green-brown bark.

Prunus Magnoliafolia

  • Small/medium tree, good for screening.
  • Leaves in dark green shade.

Ligustrum Excelsum Superbum

  • Small tree.
  • Glossy, mottled light green edged with creamy-yellow leaves.
  • Small cream flowers in late summer.

Prunus Lusitanica

  • Small tree.
  • Deep green leaves.
  • Small fragrant white flowers in early summer, followed by dark purple berries.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Evergreen Trees

Selecting the best evergreen trees for your property is a rewarding task that can enhance the beauty, functionality and ecological value of your landscape. With their all year round charm, evergreen trees can host many benefits, from privacy and screening to wildlife habitat and low maintenance. By considering your local climate, space and specific goals you can make an informed decision and enjoy the beauty of these remarkable trees for years to come. Whether you opt for the stately Eastern White Pine or the charming Holly, the right evergreen tree will undoubtedly transform your outdoor space into a serene and picturesque haven.

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