Cyclamen persicum, which flowers from winter into spring, is the most popular variety of cyclamen. Perhaps most commonly known for the larger-flowering indoor variety, often referred to as the ‘florists flower’, there is also a small version, commonly sold as mini cyclamen, that can be grown outdoors.
Growing to around 20cm in height, the delightful white or pink flowers sit boldly upright above its heart-shaped leaves. This popular plant is not frost tolerant, so be careful to avoid planting in frost susceptible spots.
Fact file

Flowering time | Winter into early spring |
Sun Requirements | Full sun to partial shade |
Soil | Moist, well-drained soil |
Hardiness | Not hardy |
Size | Grows to 20cm height x 20cm width |
Growing Guide
Cyclamen is a plant that people often remark they struggle to keep.
When planting cyclamen outdoors, they need to be placed in a spot where they are protected from hot sun and severe weather. Ideal locations in the garden are under trees or high-branched shrubs. As they are short in height, they are better towards the edge of borders or are ideal in rock gardens. They are also often frequently grown in baskets.
Soil should be well-drained and a good mix of potting grit dug into the existing soil when planting will help. When planting, allow some corm to remain above the surface of the soil and space four to six inches apart.
If your cyclamen are in containers, be sure to water from the bottom – watering from the top can cause mildew.
Deadhead by folding the stem down, taking it right to the base of the flower stalk and giving a little pull to remove it.
Complementary Planting Ideas

Create a striking winter planted container by mixing bright pink cyclamen with other pink/purple and darker plants, such as erica (heathers) and hedera (ivy).

Cyclamen persicum also make attractive solo displays; position several containers or baskets full side by side.
The cyclamen was one of the favourite plants of Leonardo da Vinci, he decorated the margins of his manuscripts with them.