This rich and delicious recipe elevates the classic French dessert to a new level. A perfect Christmas dessert of Crème Brûlée will impress guests any time of the year.

Time: 30 mins

Serves: 6


  • 18 -24 cherries in kirsch – drained
  • 600ml double cream
  • 150g dark chocolate – minimum 70% cocoa solids – broken into small pieces
  • 6 large egg yolks
  • 2 teaspoons cornflour
  • 2 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 6 tablespoons caster sugar


1. Divide the cherries between six ramekin or brûlée dishes.

2. Use a non-stick saucepan and pour in the cream.

3. Heat gently to a simmer but do not allow it to boil.

4. Add the chocolate and stir until well blended together.

5. Beat the egg yolks, cornflour and sugar together until completely mixed, but do not overbeat.

6. Now, pour the cream onto the eggs and stir to mix. Pour back into the pan.

7. Cook over a low heat, without boiling, stirring continuously until thickened and smooth. The custard should coat the back of a spoon.

8. Carefully pour over the cherries in the dishes. Leave to cool, cover in film and refrigerate overnight.

9. When ready to serve, preheat the grill to high.

10. Remove the film and sprinkle the remaining sugar evenly over each brûlée.

11. Place them on a baking sheet and under the grill for a few minutes until the sugar is melted and brown.

12. Leave sugar to harden before serving.

>> Download our Cherry & Chocolate Crème Brûlée Recipe