Summer is a season of vibrant growth, warmth and longer days making it an ideal time to focus on your house plants. As the temperature rises and natural light intensifies, your indoor plants require specific care to ensure its health and vitality. In this article we will explore how to look after houseplants in the summer with tips and techniques to help your indoor plants flourish in the heat. From proper watering and lighting to pest control and selecting the right species, we will share the best way to look after your houseplants in the Summer.

Light Requirements for your Indoor Garden

Understanding the light requirements of your indoor plant is crucial during the summer. Whilst most plants thrive in bright indirect light, it’s important to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight for extended periods (as it can scorch their leaves.) Consider moving your plants to windows with filtered light or using sheer curtains to diffuse the intensity. It is also worth monitoring the position of the sun and rearrange your plants accordingly, this is to ensure they receive the optimal amount of light for healthy growth.


Summer heat can lead to increased evaporation and dry conditions, so making necessary adjustments in your watering routine is essential. Strike a balance by checking the moisture levels of the soil regularly. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot and under-watering can cause stress to the plants. Ensure proper drainage by using well-draining pots and saucers. To retain moisture and prevent rapid evaporation apply a layer of mulch on top of the soil. Be sure to use specific indoor soil mulch such as small decorative stones. If you use mulch from outdoors you could encourage pests or pathogens to your indoor plants soil. Consider misting the leaves occasionally to increase humidity and prevent dehydration.


Maintaining an optimal temperature and humidity level is vital for the health of your house plants during summer. Most indoor plants thrive in temperatures ranging from 18°C to 24°C. Keep plants away from drafts, air conditioning vents or direct exposure to hot temperatures. To increase humidity place plants together or put them on trays filled with water and pebbles. Regularly monitor humidity levels and use a humidifier if necessary.

Orchids are great houseplants

Fertilising for Indoor Plants

Summer is a period of active growth for many house plants. To support their development consider incorporating a balanced water-soluble fertiliser into your routine. Follow the instructions on the package to avoid overfeeding, which can damage plants. Fertilise once every two to four weeks during the growing season, whilst remembering to water your plants before applying fertiliser to prevent root burn. Organic options such as compost tea or vegetable and fruit peelings can also provide essential nutrients for the plants.

Pest Prevention and Control

The summer season can attract unwanted pests to your indoor garden. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of infestation, such as yellowing leaves, sticky residue or webbing. Prevent pests by keeping your plants clean and free from debris. If an infestation occurs, isolate affected plants to prevent it from spreading. Use organic pest control methods like neem oil or insecticidal soap to target common pests such as aphids, spider mites and mealybugs. Remember to follow the instructions on the product labels and treat your plants in a well-ventilated area.

Choosing Heat-Tolerant House Plants

If you live in a region with high temperatures during the summer, ideally you should be selecting heat-tolerant house plants. Consider plants like succulents, cacti or tropical varieties that are naturally adapted to withstand heat and dry conditions. These plants often have thicker leaves or specialised structures to retain water, making them resilient in some challenging environments. Research the plants to ensure they receive the right care and maintenance, by doing so you will create yourself an oasis within your home.

By implementing these tips and techniques for caring for house plants during the summer, you can create an optimal environment for their growth and well-being. Enjoy the beauty and benefits of your house plants this summer, as they purify the air, add aesthetic appeal and bring a touch of nature indoors.